Exploiting a paramount potential of Stem Cells
As you get older, your wound healing and tissue repairing capabilities decrease exponentially and the pain associated with the damaged tissue seems to stay forever. However, our proprietary formulations may help to jumpstart your own body’s natural healing power to relieve the pain. We are here to help, and our products may assist your body to repair itself.

Stem Cells
Stem cells are a special type of cell found in our body. They can divide unlimitedly and have the remarkable potential to differentiate into various specialized cell types such as bone cells, muscle cells, and nerve cells. They play a significant role in tissue repair, regeneration and replenishment. These cells can be either pluripotent, cells that can give rise to any type of cell in the body except those needed to develop and support a fetus in the womb, or multi-potent, cells that can give rise only to few different cell types. Pluripotent stem cells can be isolated from human embryos. Scientists have also genetically reprogrammed specialized human cells to become stem cell-like cells and they are known as induced pluripotent stem cells or iPSCs.
Multi-potent stem cells are found in many organs and tissue, typically in a very small number with a limited capability to proliferate. In current practice, these multi-potent cells are isolated from bone marrow, adipose tissue and dental pulp, which are then used for tissue repair and regeneration.

After consent and passed screenings, the mother gives birth and the umbilical cord is cut.

Donor’s blood is collected by doctors to test for relevant communicable disease.

Collected cord tissue is safely packed in a kit and transferred within 24 hours to our facility.

Cord tissue and placenta are processed by our experts to yield the maximum number of stem cells components.

products are tested for their safety and efficacy by quality control validation team.

The end product is stored at -80 degrees Celsius and then shipped to doctors and clinics nationwide.

The only source of stem cells that overcomes both limitations associated with the use of stem cells is umbilical cord and placenta tissue.
These tissues are readily available and there is no ethical issue of using these tissues. Until recently, these tissues were discarded after a baby’s birth. However, recent advancement in stem cell research validated the existence of stem cells in umbilical cord and placenta tissue. Now there are thousands of cord banks throughout the world that store cord blood and tissue for later use.
Stem cells are very useful in tissue healing and repair. However, only a small number of stem cells can be isolated from a human body and they may not be sufficient to repair the damaged tissue. They can also be proliferated in-vitro to meet the demand, but it comes with a cost. Likewise, there is an ethical issue associated with the use of embryonic stem cells. However, stem cells isolated from the umbilical cord and placenta tissue overcome both limitations. They are readily available, and there is no ethical issue associated with the use of these stem cells. This makes umbilical cord and placenta tissue the best source for stem cells.