What is Wartons Jelly?
Wharton’s Jelly is a gel-like tissue that provides structural support, cushioning, and lubrication in the body.
Warton’s Jelly vs. Other Tissues.
WHARTON’S JELLY has a more regenerative power than other tissue-types. It is ideal for supporting regeneration and reducing inflammation.
Re-gen Active Lab products are minimally manipulated tissue-based products derived from Wharton’s Jelly of the umbilical cord for homologous use. ActiveShot™, ActiveFlow™, and ActivePro™ are exciting alternative regenerative medicine therapy and can be used as options to NSAIDs & steroid injections and help assist with pain in musculoskeletal injuries.
Wharton’s Jelly is a gel-like tissue that has unique characteristics of providing structural support, cushioning, and lubrication in the body. Wharton’s Jelly may be preferred over other regenerative medicine tissue-types because it contains a higher concentration of long-chain hyaluronic acid, and growth factors; up to 50 times more.
• Large joints (Knee, Hip, Shoulder & Ankle)
• Chronic partial rotator cuff tears
• Persistent partial tendon tears (Tennis Elbow)
• Plantar fasciitis / Bone Spurs
• Quadriceps and patellar tendon tears
• Muscular tears
• Meniscus and cartilage tears
• Intervertebral disc and spinal facet joints
• Radicular and Sacroiliac nerves
• Osteoarthritis